Our Vision.
Our vision is to create a 21st Century workforce that is proactive, responsive, and results-driven and supports the region’s diverse population and employers, providing quality job opportunities in support of a vibrant regional economy.
Our Commitment.
We are committed to creating and aligning clear career advancement pathways so that all workers may progress along a continuum from low-wage, low-skill, into higher-wage, higher-skilled positions.
Our Mission.
The shared goal is for Central Six to utilize an industry partnership (cluster model) approach to form, support, and strengthen partnerships between business and industry and education, and push for policy changes relevant to these goals. Industry partners will work with industry coordinators to identify career pathways for that industry, discover gaps currently existing in that pathway, work with education and other providers to fill gaps, and maintain a complete pipeline. Having a clear pathway with no gaps and coordinators dedicated to maintaining that pipeline will lead to increased employment success, adequate training, and opportunities for retraining and advancement within the career pathway.
Stephanie Dillard-McClain
Senior Program Manager
[email protected]
Johnathan Byrd
Modern Manufacturing Program Manager
[email protected]
Maggie Thompson
Program Analyst
[email protected]
George Keller
Training Program Manager
[email protected]
Lydia McDowell
Lead Case Manager
[email protected]
Jalete Nelms
Communications Manager
[email protected]
Cayman Weissgerber
Employer Communications
[email protected]
Board of Directors.
Emily Wykle
Board Chair
[email protected]