Central Six AlabamaWorks! strives to become an industry-driven organization that effectively coordinates the private, public, and nonprofit/philanthropic sectors toward creating clear and contiguous pathways to living-wage employment, while establishing a workforce that is responsive to the existing and emerging needs of the local economy.
As identified by the collaborative, Central Six has the following strategies:
Help Ensure the Supply of Future Workers
- Create access to quality jobs, with particular attention to underserved/marginalized workforce
- Facilitate youth engagement opportunities to build sustainable training pipeline
- Connect workforce to advancement opportunities and training that leads to living wage employment (incumbent and new)
Central Six is dedicated to servicing clients from all walks of life—including incumbent workers, currently employed workers, and workers who are new to the workforce. To begin services with Central Six, clients must complete an initial assessment to evaluate existing skills and to also have a better understanding of the client’s career interest. Next, information is gathered, Workforce Programs Coordinators work with the clients in creating an Employment Pathway Plan (clients’ personalized tracks through the Central Six Job Attainment Pathway to obtain employment). Workforce Programs Coordinators provide linkage and referrals to other needed community resources to facilitate stability in daily living and aid in clients obtaining jobs with livable wages. After job placement, Workforce Programs Coordinators follow up with clients to ensure their success in their placements and to assess for any additional needed services. This is done after 90 days of placement and continuum-of-care services can be provided up to six months after the initial intake.
Central Six conducts ongoing analysis and research to better understand the needs of industry. Based upon our knowledge of the credentials and skills high demand industries value, we direct clients to educational training providers with programs that meet industries’ expectations. Our partners within the education system offer a variety of training programs and certifications ranging from short to long term. Individuals seeking training have the opportunity to attain stackable credentials on which they may further build to advance from lower wages to higher wages. We are closely associated with the Alabama Community College System (ACCS) which offers training programs in many different fields. ACCS schools within the Central Six and Region 4 footprint are Bevill State Community College, Jefferson State Community College, Lawson State Community College and Wallace State Community College. Additionally, AIDT/Alabama Workforce Training Center provides training classes in the areas of construction and advanced manufacturing and the Alabama Technology Network offers training programs for incumbent workers seeking skills enhancement.
Central Six works with our industry cluster partners to identify existing opportunities for job placement. Our participants are then evaluated for readiness for employment and are often completers and/or referred to participate in the Ready to Work program before job placement.
Central Six endorses the Ready-to-Work Program. Ready-to-Work provides a career pathway for adults with limited education and employment experience at 74 sites by 22 institutions. Ready to Work’s workplace environment provides trainees the entry-level skills required for employment with most businesses and industries in Alabama. The training curriculum is set to standards cited by business and industry employers throughout the state, and the skills cited in the U. S. Department of Labor’s Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Reports.
The Ready-to-Work (RTW) Program is operated by the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education, Governor’s Office of Workforce Development in cooperation with AIDT.
(Source:Â http://www.aidt.edu/ready-to-work/)